How will India crack American puzzle in Bangladesh?
Dhaka: The United States (US) has been progressively intensifying its efforts to exert pressure on the Sheikh Hasina government in Bangladesh, alleging instances of human rights violations and corruption. The current situation has presented India with a challenging predicament, given its longstanding historical alliance with Bangladesh. If India were to extend its support towards a regime change, it is plausible that such a course of action would have adverse implications for its bilateral relations with Bangladesh, potentially resulting in regional instability.
This article aims to analyse the geopolitical dynamics between the United States and Bangladesh, focusing on the Indian perspective. And also, examine the concerns expressed by India regarding the increasing influence of China in Bangladesh. Lastly, it will explore potential strategies that India can employ to address this complex predicament.
American push for a regime change in Bangladesh
America has been expressing concerns about the Sheikh Hasina government, raising issues related to undermining democracy, human rights abuses and corruption. This situation has put India in a bit of a tough spot, considering its long-standing friendship with Bangladesh.
The increasing impact of China in Bangladesh
China has been building stronger economic and political ties with Bangladesh in recent years. This has raised some concerns in India, as China is considered a strategic rival. If China were to have a considerable influence in Bangladesh, it might raise some concerns about security for India.
Bangladesh’s intricate domestic politics
Bangladesh is an active democracy with a rich history of political changes. The Sheikh Hasina government is currently experiencing growing opposition from the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP). If the BNP were to come to power, it might bring about some changes in Bangladesh’s foreign policy orientation, which could potentially affect India’s interests.
How will India solve the American puzzle?
In the present scenario, India must adeptly manage the equilibrium between its security concerns and its economic and political objectives in relation to Bangladesh. Efforts should be made to establish and sustain a strong bilateral relationship with Bangladesh, while concurrently navigating the challenge of resisting external pressure from the United States to undergo a change in regime. Furthermore, it is imperative to consider the escalating impact of China in Bangladesh, as well as the intricate dynamics of the nation’s domestic politics.
There are several potential strategies that India could employ to address this situation:
Backing of the Sheikh Hasina administration
India can enable a political atmosphere to sustain the backing of the Sheikh Hasina administration while concurrently fostering dialogue and collaboration with the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) and other political factions in opposition. This approach would enable India to sustain a strong bilateral association with Bangladesh, while simultaneously adopting a cautious stance to mitigate potential risks if the BNP assuming power.
Collaborating with America
India can collaborate with America in an effort to seek a nonviolent resolution to the prevailing political crisis in Bangladesh. This measure would contribute to the mitigation of regional instability and facilitate India in upholding favourable diplomatic ties with both America and Bangladesh.
Increasing economic and security aid to Bangladesh
India can enhance its economic and security support to Bangladesh. This measure would contribute to enhancing the economic and military capabilities of Bangladesh, thereby reducing its vulnerability to external influences.
Collaborating with China
China holds a prominent position in the region, thus necessitating India to explore avenues for collaboration with it in matters pertaining to security involving Bangladesh. This measure has the potential to mitigate tensions between the two nations and contribute to regional stability.
Enhancing its level of involvement with civil society
India can enhance its level of involvement with civil society organisations in Bangladesh. India has the potential to collaborate with civil society organisations in Bangladesh in order to advance the principles of social justice. This measure would contribute to the enhancement of democratic institutions in Bangladesh and reduce its vulnerability to external influences.
Why India be cautious?
It is imperative for India to exercise caution and consideration regarding its historical relationship with Bangladesh, given the intertwined narrative of conflict and collaboration that characterises the bilateral dynamics between the two nations.
India must remain cognizant of the evolving dynamics within the region, given that China’s expanding influence in Bangladesh poses a significant challenge to India’s strategic interests.
In essence, it is imperative for India to effectively reconcile its security concerns with its economic and political objectives in the context of Bangladesh. Achieving a delicate equilibrium in this endeavour poses a formidable challenge, yet it remains imperative for India’s enduring security.
Written by Rajeev Ahmed
Geopolitcal Analyst, Strategic Thinker and the Editor at