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Manipur riot: Call for peace grows as death toll rises to 54

"You can win the trust of all the people when you have all sections of the people on board", he maintained.

May 6, 2023 2:03 pm

Violence broke out between tribals and non-tribals during ‘Tribal Solidarity March’ called by All Tribal Student Union Manipur (ATSUM). | Photo Credit: PTI
Violence broke out between tribals and non-tribals during ‘Tribal Solidarity March’ called by All Tribal Student Union Manipur (ATSUM). | Photo Credit: PTI

The death toll in the ethnic violence which has engulfed Manipur increased to 54, PTI said quoting officials even though unofficial sources placed the figure at several scores dead and more than 150 injured.

Expressing grave concern over the snowballing violence roiling Manipur for two straight days, several organisations and individuals have made an earnest appeal to all communities of Manipur to set aside their differences and stand together at this critical juncture.

Lok Sabha MP Dr Lorho Pfoze, Mao Constituency MLA Losii Dikho, United Naga Council (UNC), Manipur Baptist Convention (MBC), Naga Women’s Union (NWU) and others have appealed to the people of Manipur to end the cycle of violence immediately, reports The Sangair Express, largest circulating newspaper in India’s Manipur.

In a statement, MP Dr Lorho Pfoze expressed sadness upon witnessing the recent turn of events which has broken the relative peace in the State and throttled the sensibility of the people who believe in love and peace.

The Lok Sabha MP urged the State Government to be sensitive and take control of the situation while opining that agreeable solutions can be brought only when issues are discussed openly with all stakeholders of the State sitting across the table.

“You can win the trust of all the people when you have all sections of the people on board”, he maintained.

Further, the MP appealed to the Central Government to extend appropriate help to bring the State back to normalcy.

Urging people to remember the adage that hatred only begets hatred and violence only begets violence, he called upon the people to break the cycle of hatred and violence through acts of love.

Meanwhile, Mao Constituency MLA Losii Dikho appealed to Governor Anusuiya Uikey to evacuate the families and students from the sensitive areas.

Thanking the Central Government and Indian Army for their intervention in controlling the situation, L Dikho appealed to the people to contribute to restoring peace.

The Coordinating Committee on Manipur Integrity (COCOMI) has also appealed to every Manipuri to shun violence.

In a statement, COCOMI appealed to all the ethnic communities to understand what triggered the unrest in Manipur.

Noting that it is only the common people, innocent women and children and the people who have been victimised by the violence, COCOMI appealed to all Manipuris to control their angst so as to restore peace and normalcy in the State.

Further appealing to every Manipuri to comprehend the constant attempts being made to disturb the emotional integrity of the ethnic communities, COCOMI asked the State Government to bring the situation under control as soon as possible.

COCOMI also appealed to one and all to extend help to the inmates at relief camps

A press release issued by United Naga Council UNC said that the Council never endorse nor encourage any agitation other than taking part in peaceful demonstrations.

Condemning the series of violence which has been taking place in Manipur, the UNC said that instances of mob violence, destruction of properties and places of worship was disturbing.

They at the time appealed to the people of Manipur to refrain from engaging in violent activities.

The Manipur Baptist Convention (MBC) also appealed to one and all to choose the way of peace despite all provocations.

In a statement signed by its general secretary Rev K Losii, the MBC said that there will be no winner in violence.

Stressing that the consequences of violence are borne by innocent people only, the MBC appealed to all communities to practice restraint.

The MBC further said that places of worship must be kept as places of refuge irrespective of religion.

Further appealing to the people to abandon this ‘senseless’ and ‘mindless’ violence, it urged the State Government to provide protection to the victims of the violence.

It went on to appeal to the Government to find a solution to the current imbroglio at the earliest.

The World Meetei Council (WMC) has also sounded an urgent call for peace.

A press release issued by WMC appealed to the Centre and the State Government to bring the situation in Manipur under control without delay.

The Council also appealed to one and all to not target any religious establishments and people.

The Naga Women’s Union (NWU) has also urged the authorities concerned to restore normalcy in the State.

A press release issued by NWU president Asha Wungnam said that the unfolding situation in Manipur is unbearable to them as peace-loving mothers.

Condemning the series of violence taking place in Manipur, the NWU appealed to every ethnic community of the State to contribute to de-escalating the situation.

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