Protests, Human Chain held in Bangladesh to express Solidarity of Urumqi massacre victims
Dhaka: Protest demonstrations/human chain and discussion meetings were organized in different parts of Bangladesh to express Solidarity with the victims of Urumqi massacre (July 05, 2009) and their families. Protestors condemned China for its continued harassment and torture of Uyghur Muslims.
Sanchetan Nagarik Samaj organized a protest demonstration followed by a human Chain on the 14 anniversary of Urumqi massacre at Narayanganj. 350-400 Protestors carrying banners, placards and festooned with slogans in Bangla and English highlighting plight of Ughur Muslims, condemned China for imprisoning lakhs of Uyghur Muslims and urged the people of Bangladesh to condemn China for its inhuman activities.
A protest demonstration and discussion meeting were organized by Islamic Movement of Bangladesh at National Press Club, Dhaka. A number of 250-300 Protestors led by Abu Zafar Kasemi, Amir Islamic Movement Bangladesh(IMB) along with Advocate Khairul Ahsan, Chairman IMB attended the event. Speakers condemned China for human rights violations in China and said that China is continuing its inhuman activities including rape, murder, and kidnapping of innocent Uyghur Muslims.
Bangladesh Islami Front (BIF) held a discussion meeting to protest against China and its oppression on Uyghur Muslims at Bangabandhu Hall, Chattogram Press Club, Chattogram City. Around 400 persons including Maulanas, participate in the event. While addressing the gathering Masihuddaulah, General Secretary of Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat Bangladesh and Maulana M A Matin, Chairman of BIF, castigated China for its flagrant violation of human rights upon its own minority population in Xinjiang province.
He also criticized China for constructing toilets after razing down the mosques and urged China to allow peaceful co-existence of its minority Muslims. Chittagong North District BIF Chairman Maulana Abdur Rahim Muniri urged the Muslim Ummah to raise a collective voice against China.
Sacheton Nagarik Samaj of Panchagarh District held a protest demonstration near Panchagarh Sadar (District Hqrs.) Press Club to commemorate the Urumqi Massacre Day. More than 300 Islamic scholars, Imams, teachers, civil society members, students and common people took part in the protest demonstration. They condemned China for committing atrocities on Uyghur Muslims. The protestors also distributed booklets titled “Uyghur Muslimder Banchte Din” (Let live the Uyghur Muslims) among the common people of the Panchgarh District.
The Sacheton Alem Samaj of Feni District organized a seminar and Dowa Mahfil commemorating the Urumqi Massacre Day. Islamic scholars like Maulana Mahmudul Hasan, Dr A.F.M. Khalid Hossain, Maulana Ashraf al Haroon, and other noted Islamic scholars of Feni District attended the said discussion and Dowa Mahfil. More than 130- 150 local Imams, Muezzins, Alems alongside Madrassa students of Feni district participated in the protest demonstration. The Islamic leaders urged the Chinese Government not to indulge in atrocities on the Uyghur Muslims and allow the Uyghur Muslims to live peacefully in Xinjiang and other parts of China.
Human Rights Protection Council, Sylhet organized a protest demonstration followed by a human chain at the Sylhet. They held banners, and posters, in front of Sylhet Court Point. Speakers including the President of the organization Abdul Malik Chowdhury, Secretary Kaychan Mahmud Akbari, Chief Guest Gazi Rahmatullah, Special Guest Faizul Haque Jalalabadi, and, Special Speaker Suhail Ahmed and others voiced their concerns towards ongoing atrocities on Uyghur Muslims.